I Left My 200k Job to Start My Own Company

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Ever dreamt of quitting your day job to chase your entrepreneurial dream? Jared Ward, Founder and CEO of Luminous, did exactly that. From high-paying job to startup CEO, here's the inspiring story of how he left a secure, high-paying position to build a billion-dollar software company.


Trading Comfort for Conviction

In 2021, Jared Ward was a successful CEO at a young age, leading a direct-to-consumer brand. Despite a hefty salary and financial security, something was missing. The itch to pursue his vision – Luminous, an ERP system designed for modern e-commerce businesses – grew stronger.


Building a Side Hustle into a Scalable Solution

While leading the e-commerce company, Jared began building Luminous as a side project. He understood the challenges faced by e-commerce brands firsthand, having scaled supply chains and launched multiple online stores himself. This experience fueled his conviction that there was a gap in the market between basic tools like ShipStation and complex solutions like NetSuite.


The Critical Decision: Taking the Leap

The turning point came after securing five beta customers and initiating fundraising.  Quitting his CEO job meant a significant pay cut, but Jared believed in his vision. With a clear understanding of the problem Luminous aimed to solve, he took the plunge.


From Bare Hands to Venture Capital

The initial journey was a rollercoaster. Building the product, securing the first paying customers, and managing implementations were all solo efforts.  However, Jared's perseverance paid off.  The initial traction with customers attracted investment from prominent venture capital firms.


A Team Effort and Exponential Growth

With a strong team in place, including co-founder Brendon Beebe, Luminous began to flourish.  The company is on track to hit its first million in annual recurring revenue (ARR) and boasts a product roadmap aligned with customer needs.


Lessons Learned for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Jared shares his key takeaways for aspiring entrepreneurs:

  1. Financial Runway is Key: Have enough savings to cover at least 3-6 months of living expenses while you focus on growing your business.
  2. Validate Your Idea: Conduct thorough market research to ensure there's a real need for your product or service.
  3. Build Your Tribe: Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals who share your entrepreneurial journey.
  4. Set SMART Goals: Establish clear and measurable goals for your business and track your progress towards achieving them.

Want to learn more about overcoming the challenges Jared faced while building Luminous? Watch his full video on YouTube for insights on navigating the entrepreneurial rollercoaster and turning your vision into reality!


Igniting Your Entrepreneurial Spark with Luminous

Jared's story is a testament to the power of conviction and perseverance. It’s an inspiration for anyone contemplating the entrepreneurial leap, a journey paved with challenges, but also immense personal and professional rewards.

Luminous is a shining example of how a side hustle can evolve into a successful venture, fueled by a passionate founder and a strong team.

Turn e-commerce challenges into effortless growth. Streamline operations, optimize inventory, and master your supply chain with Luminous. Book a demo today!

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