Small 3PL to Big Success with Insider Tips from Devin Barker

  • With Guest Devin Barker
  • Host: Jared Ward
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December 19, 2023

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Meet Devin Barker

Devin Barker is a seasoned entrepreneur and logistics expert who has carved a niche in the third-party logistics (3PL) industry. He founded a successful 3PL company, Revamp Fulfillment, that stands out for its commitment to transparency, customer service, and operational efficiency. An advocate for continuous learning and adaptation, Devin is passionate about sharing his insights with others in the industry, helping them navigate the challenges and opportunities of 3PL. 

Episode Synopsis

Dealing with logistics requires full transparency and adaptability to survive. In this episode of "Ops Unfiltered," Luminous CEO and founder Jared Ward interviews Revamp Fulfillment founder Devin Barker and discusses common challenges in the 3PL industry. Barker's story shows the power of starting small and scaling up with attention to detail. For Barker, customer service formed the strategy behind the decisions made in operations and technology. 

Revamp Fulfillment relied on different approaches to small business logistics, including cornering the market using tools like Google Maps. This way, the business was able to find clients to serve in the area and provide them with top customer care.

Barker also highlights the criticality of choosing the right clients and the advantages of being a smaller, more agile player in the industry. Devin's approach, embracing his company's size and capabilities, has allowed him to build a successful business that stands out for its commitment to client satisfaction and operational excellence.

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Ops Unfiltered Episode 12 unpacks:

In this episode, Devin discusses the secrets to navigating the 3PL industry, highlighting how his focus on operational excellence and client satisfaction led to his success.


Devin Barker's Bootstrapping Strategy

Devin talks about the challenges of entering the 3PL industry due to the high capital needed for warehouses. He emphasizes the importance of finding the right clients, being patient in terms of growth, and focusing on customer service.

He revealed that the most difficult thing about setting up a 3PL business is the initial capital needed to secure a warehouse space. He bootstrapped his business and started by fulfilling orders from his basement.

Find out about Devin's bootstrapping strategy, how he launched his 3PL business from his basement, and meticulously scaled it while ensuring financial stability.

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Jared Ward

Founder & CEO of Luminous. He empowers businesses by revolutionizing software for supply chains, inventory, operations and Ecommerce.

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